BBC Production Apprenticeship scheme

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Production Level 3 – BelfastProduction – Belfast 

The Production Apprenticeship Scheme helps you to gain experience with our BBC production teams across the UK, making world-class content for our audiences on radio, TV or digital platforms. You’ll learn on-the-job as part of a BBC production team, developing your knowledge and skills in an area that interests you, while working towards your Production apprenticeship qualification with one of our learning providers.

Closes for application 16th January 2024



Level 3 Broadcast And Media Systems Technical Operator scheme will open soon for application – for those students who want to work at the front-end of technical operations in sound and/or vision in newsrooms, galleries, studios, post-production areas or out on location. For information on this scheme, please keep an eye on the main careers page which lists all our current opportunities – BBC Apprenticeship schemes


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