Key Stage 3
The curriculum for Year 8, 9 and 10 enables each pupil to realize his full potential at Key Stage 3. During Years 8, 9 and 10, pupils will have the opportunity to study the following subjects.
- Art and Design
- Employability
- English
- Geography
- Health Promotion
- Home Economics
- History
- Information and Communication Technology
- Irish
- Life Skills
- Mathematics
- Music
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
- Spanish
- Technology and Design
Assessment is an integral part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
Assessment is part of the teaching and learning process that supports independent learning.
At Key Stage 3 all assessment is teacher-based. This year many of the subject assessments are classroom based with a final end of year examination.
Full written reports on each pupil will be issued by the end of the summer term. Reports will include the results of assessment in:
- Each of the areas of learning
- The Cross-Curricular Skills, and
- Other skills (Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities)
At the end of Year 10 we will assess and report (using the Levels of Progression) on pupil’s achievement in Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT.