Cambridge University: Corpus Christi Pelican Programme

Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge-340

The Pelican Programme is Corpus’ flagship access scheme in the Arts & Humanities and is designed to not only introduce students to new and exciting super-curricular resources and themes, but also to stretch, challenge, and sharpen their oracy skills. This sustained and intensive programme runs for six-months, with students meeting online in small groups every fortnight to analyse and critique set pre-reading under the supervision and guidance of a subject expert. In addition to these subject experts, every student also has more admissions-focused sessions with members of the Corpus Admissions Team and, if they successfully complete the programme, will be in a very strong position to make a competitive application to any selective university. At the end of the programme, those students who have completed it are invited for a short residential event here at Corpus to celebrate their achievement, where they finally get to meet each other in-person and can meet current undergraduates studying their subjects at Cambridge.


This year the Pelican Programme will include the following subject streams:

  • Architecture (new for 2024)
  • Classics
  • English
  • History
  • Law
  • Modern and Medieval Languages (French & Spanish)
  • Philosophy


For Classics we encourage students who have an interest in any ancient literature, language, or culture, to consider putting themselves forwards; the sessions will be based around pre-readings and skills that would be applicable to any of the following subjects:

  • Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic
  • Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
  • Classics (obviously)
  • History of Art
  • Modern and Medieval Languages (if not covered by the MML specific stream)


For Philosophy we encourage students who are also interested in the following subjects to consider putting themselves forwards:

  • Ethics
  • Philosophy (obviously)
  • Religious Studies
  • Theology


For more info about the programme please visit our webpage ➡️


The deadline for Pelican Programme nominations is the 22 December. If any Year 13 student wishes to be nominated, please leave name with Martina in Careers Dept.