CCEA 2020 Exam Grades Update
- Posted by Fearghal Quinn
- Posted in School News
Northern Ireland’s Education Minister announced the way forward for awarding CCEA GCSE and A level qualifications for students affected by the cancellation of the summer 2020 series.
Read CCEA’s guidance on how grades will be awarded here:
The table below clearly identifies how this information impacts each of our students.
Year | Key Points for Pupils in Yr 11, 12, 13 & 14 |
11 | You will not sit modules / units this summer & you will not receive predicted grades. You will complete Year 12 as normal but will have 2 choices regarding the “missed” Yr 11 module(s). CCEA will issue you with a predicted grade for these Yr 11 modules based on your performance in the Year 12 summer exams but you will have the option of sitting these “missed” Year 11 modules in Year 12, too. CCEA will accept the highest grade in this case. |
12 | You will sit no examinations but will receive grades. Your grades will be based on a combination of the average centre (school) performance, centre assessed grades & rank ordering (see below for explanations). Students who are dissatisfied with their grade outcomes will be able to sit some GCSEs in November, January and March (2020 – 2021) & CCEA are currently firming up an appeals process. |
13 | All AS students will receive an AS grade based on a range of evidence and there will be no AS exams. However, this grade will not count towards the overall A Level grade. Instead, a student may sit the missed AS unit(s) in Year 14 or a grade for the missed Year 13 units will be calculated based on your Year 14 exam performance. In the event you have 2 grades for a module (predicted v Yr 13 unit sat), CCEA will accept the highest grade. |
14 | There will be no examinations and you will not be required to sit any in the Autumn. Your grade will be calculated using previous student performance, centre assessed grades & rank ordering (see below for explanations). You will have the opportunity to resit examinations in the 2021 summer series & CCEA are currently firming up an appeals process in the event students are dissatisfied with their grade outcomes. |
Rank order = The rank order of students within each grade – for example, for all those students with a grade C in GCSE Mathematics, a rank order where 1 is the most secure/highest attaining student, and so on
Centre assessed grades = the grade that each student is most likely to have achieved if they had sat their exams and internally assessed components
Average Centre Performance = this may include the performance of this year’s students compared to those in the previous 2-3 years and previous results for your centre in each subject, again previous 2-3 years (DE to confirm if it is 2 or 3 years).
NB: We are still waiting on information on how BTEC vocational qualifications will be awarded.