FAO Aspiring Dentists

Dental Mentor-340

Dental Mentor are offering a free opportunity for aspiring dentists.


Applications are now open to Dental Mentor’s Medical Leadership Programme (MLP), the only national Medical Leadership programme in the UK! All MLP members receive free virtual teaching and mentoring to help them become leaders in Dentistry. This is a fantastic addition to their UCAS application and CV!

The deadline to apply is midnight on Friday 20th January: https://airtable.com/shrTEjnrpWHDwkn6W



As part of their MLP application, students are required to attend the free, virtual Get into Dentistry conference, with the next one on Saturday 14th January. This conference will provide a full guide to the UCAS application process for dental school.

All students 10/S3NI11 – 12/S5/NI13 can register for free here: https://airtable.com/shr7JL0vaCAzEYUo1

The following topics will be covered:

Application Timelines
– How to Tactically Choose Dental Schools
– CV Building
– Personal Statements
– Interviews
– Medical Leadership and Awards Programmes
– Accessing Work Experience
– UCAT and BMAT – Entrance Exams to Dental School
– Accessing Scholarships

All students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian for safeguarding purposes.

Registration Link: https://airtable.com/shr7JL0vaCAzEYUo1