FREE Med Interview Webinars Starting This Sunday 4th Dec!

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Don’t know where to start preparing for interviews?

If only there was something to help…

Medic Mind are here to save the day with FREE “Medical Interview” Webinars!

Anyone can join!

First session will be held on 4th December at 6pm.

Join our senior teaching lead every 6-7pm on Sunday. We’ll be giving you the best tips and advice for Medical Interviews!
This might be just what you need if you are currently in a rut! Click below to register!


Register for Webinar


Here are all the webinar dates (Every Sunday)!
The first 3 webinars are FREE for all!

Dec 4, 2022 06:00 PM
Dec 11, 2022 06:00 PM
Dec 18, 2022 06:00 PM
After that, the sessions will be available to anyone who has or gets Medic Mind’s Medical Interview Online Course.