‘I want to be a Doctor’ Insight into a Career in Medicine

NHS – Health Education England-340

Duration: 1 Day   14th July 2021

Application Closing Date: 16th June 2021

Although preference will be given to students who live in the North East of England, all students are advised to apply!


The day will run from 10-14.30 (with a break for lunch) and will give you the opportunity to find out about a career in medicine and being a doctor in the NHS.

You will learn about the different specialties of medicine, the pathway to becoming a doctor through medical school and training programmes, and hear directly from doctors.

We will look at the range of places doctors work and roles they undertake, and the variety of skills and characteristics that are suited to a career in medicine. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, about the profession and about what it’s like to be a doctor, and interactive tasks throughout the day.

(Please note: if you are interested in other careers in healthcare, i.e. nursing, please look out for alternative days as this session will only be discussing working as a doctor.)

Key objectives:

Provide an insight into the role of NHS doctors in the UK, and the structure of the career pathway.

By the end of the session, students should be able to

· Determine their next step in the pathway to becoming a doctor

· Recognise the role of the doctor within the multidisciplinary team

· Identify desired values and behaviours of NHS staff

· Reflect on the importance of patient-centred care when preparing for applications and interviews



Speakers for Schools Experience Programme have a large selection of virtual work experience currently available. Many of these are with UK companies and pupils from the North of Ireland are eligible to apply.

Pupils must first register at https://www.s4snextgen.org/ to avail of these opportunities.

Please note that all applications are not guaranteed to be successful due to the large number of applicants for each experience.

*Please note that pupils should not apply to this or any other virtual work experience unless they are fully committed to attending