James Heaney

- Posted by Fearghal Quinn
- Posted in School News
The entire community of the Christian Brothers’ Grammar School is deeply saddened by the passing of James Heaney.
James joined the Christian Brothers’ Grammar School in September 2019 to take up Post-16 studies. Although moving to a new school can be daunting, James’ friendly and endearing personality coupled with a quiet confidence ensured that he bonded immediately with his new teachers and peers and settled seamlessly into school life.
He had a particular love of and aptitude for Science and chose Physics, Chemistry and Maths as his A Level subjects. As a student he was capable, diligent and hardworking and fully deserved his exceptional A Level grades which earned him a place at Liverpool University where he planned to study Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies.
He was, moreover, a caring, kind and considerate young man who was supportive and sensitive to the needs of others. This was epitomised by the way he selflessly gave up several lunchtimes and study periods each week to mentor Key Stage 3 pupils who were experiencing difficulties with Maths. He was an excellent role model to these pupils, using his knowledge and gentle tact to motivate and encourage those who found the subject challenging.
His gentle, courteous and friendly nature ensures that he will always be remembered with great affection and fondness by all of us in the CBS community and beyond. He will be greatly missed.
We extend our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to James’ family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this extremely sad and difficult time.
“Put your arms around him Lord
And treasure him with care.
For you have in your possession
A friend beyond compare.”
“Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.”