Journalism Virtual Work Experience

- Posted by Fearghal Quinn
- Posted in Careers Blog
During this free two-week virtual work experience programme, you’ll take an in-depth look at print, broadcast and photojournalism as well as a variety of roles within the industry. You’ll meet professionals working in many of these areas and roles in webinars, which will give you a chance to ask them your questions. Finally, you’ll complete work and assignments to get an understanding of what life in the journalism industry is like.
The virtual work experience programme involves around 10 hours of activity. You can complete the work over 2 weeks meaning you can fit it around your schedule, whether that be school or college. There are live workshops, but don’t worry if you’re unable to attend – you can watch recordings on-demand.
The programme will take place between 6th April 2021 and 16th April 2021. You do not need to be available full time between those dates, but you do need to be able to complete 10 hours worth of activity over the two weeks.
What you’ll cover:
During this two week programme you’ll cover the following areas:
- The journalism industry: Its core values, career opportunities, and its place in modern culture
- Print journalism: Newspapers, magazines and the roles within an editorial team
- Broadcast journalism: TV, radio, typical job roles, and the UK’s broadcast media providers
- Photojournalism: What it is, how to get into it, and what makes a great photograph
- News copy editing, news production, and presenting
- Tips for getting started in the industry: From pitching yourself to building a portfolio of your work.
The virtual work experience programme will take place from 6th April to the 16th April 2021. The deadline for applications is March 29th 2021 and applicants will hear if they have a place on the programme on the evening of March 31st 2021.
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