Marketing Virtual Work Experience

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Kickstart your career in marketing with Springpod’s Virtual Work Experience. This programme will award you with all that you need to know about a career in marketing, covering a complete range of skills that will open doors for your future career search.

The programme involves around 10 hours of activity. There are live workshops but if you’re unable to attend these live then recordings will be added which you can watch on-demand.

The programme will take place between 6th and 16th April 2021. You do not need to be available full time during those dates but you do need to be able to complete 10 hours worth of activity over the two weeks.

What’s involved:

The programme is spread over two weeks from April 6th to 16th April 2021. There is around 10 hours of activity which you can fit around other obligations that you have. There are live webinars but once they have taken place a recording will be available to watch.  The programme will cover:

  • Marketing Principles
  • Strategy and User Personas
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Social Media and Content
  • Marketing Analysis
  • Career Pathways in Marketing

The virtual work experience programme will take place from 6th April to the 16th April 2021. The deadline for applications is March 29th 2021 and applicants will hear if they have a place on the programme on the evening of March 31st 2021.


Create your Springpod account to apply – CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT