National Careers Week 2021 1st – 6th March

- Posted by Fearghal Quinn
- Posted in Careers Blog
The Parents’ Guide to – National Careers Week 2021
The Parents’ Guide to provides parents with the information they need to help their teenage children make the right choices to create successful futures after GCSE and sixth form. Our online guides are designed to inform, involve and guide parental support. They include the most up to date information on topics such as apprenticeships, universities and revision techniques.
Thinking about the world of work can be pretty daunting. The good news is, you’ve already got lots of skills that will come in handy!
From making a great first impression, to getting on with your co-workers and more job inspiration, tips and advice, head to BBC Bitesize Careers
Careers Service NI has an excellent resource, Careers A-Z . Use the Careers A to Z tool to explore careers you’re interested in. It has lots of information about employment, education and training options. You can learn more about what it’s like to work in your chosen career by watching videos and reading real life case studies.
In the Careers A-Z tool you can view career profiles for your chosen career options, which include details of:
- normal work activities
- the personal qualities and skills required
- pay and opportunities
- entry routes and training
- qualifications required
- adult opportunities
Career discovery (Xello for 11 to 19 year olds)
This tool matches your interests, skills and values to help you choose what subjects to study with careers opportunities. It will give you suggestions based on what you like and/or what you are good at, as well as match your current or anticipated qualification level.
Before you start
The tool can help you match your interest, skills and expected qualifications to discover career options, by building skills and knowledge to create actionable plans for the future, regardless of your chosen pathway.
By completing interactive career, personality and learning style assessments you can better understand unique interests, skills, and strengths.
Each engaging assessment encourages reflection, helping you connect who you are with relevant career options.
If you have already registered, use your details to log in.
UCAS – Explore subjects guide –