NEW NHS Work Experience Sessions

Medic Mentor 2-340

The Medical Schools Council acknowledges virtual work experience as an equal alternative to in-person shadowing based on a discovery report conducted by Health Education England. I encourage students aged 14 and over, interested in medicine to participate in our FREE National NHS Virtual Work Experience programme. We are pleased to offer a variety of medical specialties, with a focus this month on palliative care. This enables students to gain a well-rounded perspective of working within the NHS.


Interested students in Years 11 – 14, please complete the following online form:

Developed in collaboration with Birmingham Universities Hospitals Trust, this Virtual Work Experience has proven to be transformative for thousands of secondary school students over the past year. It also provides a strong foundation of knowledge for students who are preparing to undertake future in-person placements.

We’ve designed a 6-month medical e-learning work experience programme, focusing on one specialty each month, allowing students to set their own pace of learning. From structured teaching to direct interaction with doctors and healthcare professionals, our programme ensures students not only observe procedures but also gain a broader understanding of roles within the medical field.

Covering everything from confidentiality and ethics workshops delivered by the GMC to clinical procedures, our virtual work experience provides a crucial overview, thereby enhancing students’ UCAS applications.