QUB Pathway Opportunity Programme 2022


Applications for the Pathway Opportunity Programme have opened, and we are already seeing lots of interest in the various pathways available this year.  You can find the application portal here: Applications for 2022 | Student Guidance Centre | Queen’s University Belfast (qub.ac.uk)


Applications are open from the 11th of October 2021 and close on the 15th of November 2021 (at noon)


To apply:

  • Check the eligibility requirements (Section A and Section B) for the programme – Check your Postcode eligibility at Pathway – Postcode Checker 2022.
  • Choose your preferred Pathway.
  • Research the courses on your preferred Pathway (Pathway – Courses available to Students 2022) to ensure that you meet the entry requirements of at least one of the courses on that Pathway (Queen’s Course Finder).
  • Review the online application form and collect the necessary information (GCSE grades, full A-Level titles, Reference Teacher’s name and email address, etc) and prepare your two statements (for example on a Word document)
  • Return to the online application at the link below and complete the application in one sitting (it cannot be saved) and “Submit Application”.
  • You will receive an email confirming that the Applications has been received by the Pathway Team.