Queen’s University Belfast – Computing Parent’s Evening

Queen’s University are pleased to advise that they will be holding a Computing Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 9th October, 6.00 – 9.30pm at the Computer Science Building at Queen’s.

This event is targeted at parents/guardians and students in years 11, 12 and 13 who are studying or considering studying Computing subjects at GCSE, A-Level or equivalent vocational qualifications.

  • Hear about courses on offer – Computer Science; Software Engineering; Computing and Information Technology; Business Information Technology and the wide variety of professional career opportunities to which they lead.
  • Meet current students, graduates and academic staff.
  • Explore the Computer Science Building including Makerspace, Lego lab, Virtual Reality Lab and try out some incredible technology
  • Speak to representatives from a selection of companies who employ Queen’s IT graduates

Find out more and register: http://go.qub.ac.uk/computing

Visitors are welcome to arrive from 6.00pm. Refreshments will be served throughout the evening.