Spotlight on Green Jobs in Partnership with NCFE 9-10 March 2022

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Spotlight on Green Jobs in partnership with NCFE, will give students a revealing insight into the world of green work, exploring in-demand skills and careers as the UK heads towards net-zero.

You will be able to hear from a range of different employers about a whole range of industries. The sessions will be broken down into 30-minute slots and contain live Q&As, videos and expert career advice. Examples of the topics explored will include:

  • The switch to electric vehicles and how it will revolutionise the skills needed in the automotive industry
  • New methods of designing and building houses to be more energy efficient is opening up new routes into the construction industry
  • How STEM skills are fundamental to addressing the challenges of climate change

There will also be the opportunity to engage directly with hiring employers during these sessions. 95% of young people said they felt engaged after attending previous sessions.
This is a fantastic opportunity for young people across the country to learn about the vocational pathways available, which can lead them to green careers.


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