Stranmillis University College – Online information sessions for UCAS applicants


Stranmillis University College are holding a couple of online information sessions for those pupils who intend to apply for one of our courses.


Two key questions that we are frequently asked by applicants are:


  • What are the key things our admissions teams is looking in theapplication / personal statement, particular in terms of shortlisting for interview and presentation?


  • What is involved in the interview and presentation
  • What will happen on the day itself?
  • What is the format of the presentation and interview?
  • What are the interviewers looking for looking for?
  • What sort of questions am I likely to be asked?
  • How do I best prepare for it?
  • What shouldn’t I do?


To help and support you, we will be holding two online information sessions to provide you with valuable insights and information, give you the opportunity to ask the questions and get your queries answered and, ultimately, help you prepare better. To join a session, please click on the relevant TEAMS link below. Please note that, if shortlisted, you will only be required to attend one interview /presentation irrespective of the number of Stranmillis courses you apply for. As such, the sessions are not course specific and you can attend either.


Thursday 28th November 6pm         Join the meeting now


Tuesday 3rd December 6pm              Join the meeting now



Note: This invite is not an indication that you will be shortlisted for interview and presentation, nor will attendance or non-attendance affect your application(s) in any way.