The CBS School Bank is run by Year 13 students in co-operation with the Bank of Ireland. When pupils sign up, they will be opening a student account with the Bank of Ireland, and will receive their account details, debit card and lodgement book through the post within 7-14 days.
How to join
If a student is interested in opening an account with the School Bank, he can come along to meeting room 1 on a Wednesday morning to find out more and get a parental consent form (if he has not already received one from his form teacher).
The School Bank is open to pupils in all year groups.
Making a Transaction
Customers are able to lodge money through the School Bank on Wednesday mornings between 8:30 and 9:00am in Meeting Room 1(just off the front foyer).
The Bank will be open for lodgements on the following dates;
- Wednesday 15th November
- Wednesday 13th December
- Wednesday 17th January
- Wednesday 14th February
- Wednesday 14th March
- Wednesday 11th April
- Wednesday 9th May
- Wednesday 13th June
We believe this is an excellent opportunity for pupils to learn money management skills, which are undoubtedly of vital importance and will benefit students for the rest of their lives. It is very easy to open an account and the process can be completed in a matter of minutes if the pupil has their consent form with them.
All pupils that open a new account will be entered into a draw to win a Tyrone jersey signed by the senior panel.