Ulster University ICT and Engineering Workshop


For the 9th consecutive year the School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems at the Ulster University, Magee Campus, Derry/Londonderry will be running 2 day workshops on Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd August 2018 for up to 80 students. This will include the following:

ICT Workshop

This workshop will involve a range of team-based project activities using, for example, using a Raspberry Pi, or creating a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model, Information Technologies and Computer Games Development.  When I receive the programme schedule with further information I will forward it to you. Subjects Year 13 students should be studying: Maths (or have GCSE Additional Maths), Software Systems Development, Digital Technologies, GCE Applied ICT or IT Technical OCR

Engineering Workshop

The School will provide the pupils with a taster of its Engineering courses that are on offer, in the areas of Electronics, Mechanical, Electrical and Renewable Energy, as well as other subject areas such as Computer Science. Subjects Year 13 students should be studying: Maths (or have GCSE Additional Maths), Technology & Design, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics & Biology


The closing date for applications will be Friday 20th April 2018.