Undergraduate Open Morning at Belfast School of Theology

Belfast School of Theology-340

We’re glad to announce another Open Morning being held at Belfast School of Theology (formerly Belfast Bible College) on Tuesday 11th June. We’d love to invite anyone interested in our Undergraduate Courses (BA (Hons) Degree/ HE Certificate) along to meet staff and learn a little more about what we offer here.


Please come to the reception area on BST campus to sign in between 10-10.30am.


We have a carpark onsite and we are 10-15 minutes from Dunmurry Train Station.


Tea/coffee and treats will be available, and there will be an opportunity to see around the campus, hear more from staff about the courses and to ask any questions you may have about admissions, fees or anything else about our courses!


Please indicate if you would like to attend the open day by following this link:

Sign Up