University of Cambridge – Corpus Christi College, Pelican Programme (for Year 13 pupils)

Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge-340

Nominations for the latest iteration of the Pelican Programme are now open! The Pelican Programme is Corpus’ flagship access scheme and is designed to not only introduce students to new and exciting super-curricular resources and themes, but also to stretch, challenge, and sharpen their oracy and analytical skills. This sustained and intensive programme runs for six-months, with students meeting online in small groups every fortnight to analyse and critique set pre-reading (or work through problems) under the supervision and guidance of a subject expert. In addition to these subject experts, every student also has more admissions-focused sessions with members of the Corpus Admissions Team and, if they successfully complete the programme, will be in a very strong position to make a competitive application to any selective university. At the end of the programme, those students who have completed it are invited for a short residential event here at Corpus to celebrate their achievement, where they finally get to meet each other in-person and can meet current undergraduates studying their subjects at Cambridge.  Last year we had 180 students from across the UK start the programme, with nearly 150 going on to complete it and at least 76 of those intending to make an application to Cambridge or Oxford.


This year we are running streams in the following subjects:






Modern Languages (French & Spanish)

Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion

Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Engineering)

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences – new for 2025


For Classics we encourage students who have an interest in any ancient literature, language, or culture, to consider putting themselves forwards; the sessions will be based around pre-readings and skills that would be applicable to any of the following subjects:

  • Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic
  • Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
  • Classics (obviously)
  • History of Art


For Philosophy we encourage students who are also interested in the following subjects to consider putting themselves forwards:

  • Ethics
  • Philosophy (obviously)
  • Religious Studies
  • Theology



There is no direct application process. Students have to be nominated by their school.

Schools can only nominate one student per subject stream.

For all streams except Modern and Medieval Languages and Physical Sciences students will need to write a short response to a stream-specific set question. These can be found here.

For Physical Sciences students will need to complete some Isaac Physics problem boards.


For more info about the programme please visit our webpage: ➡️




The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday 13 December 2024