Upcoming QUB Events

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Podcast – Life at the Lanyon

Our ‘Life at the Lanyon’ Podcast will allow pupils to hear all about life as a Queen’s student, through interesting stories and insights from current students, staff and special guests.


In the latest episode, our recruitment officer Raymond, chats with two students who share their experience of applying to study at Queen’s. Find out more about the UCAS application process, interviews, support services, and hear some tips and advice from our guests!

Our podcast series is available on YouTubeSpotify, or Apple Podcasts



Geographical Association (Belfast) AS and A2 Talks 

October – December 2023

The Geographical Association (Belfast) is running a series of Tuesday evening talks this Autumn designed to support A-level students’ and their teachers’ understanding of elements of CCEA’s AS and A2 level curriculum.

The talks will be held as hybrid events.  You can either join us in person on campus at Queen’s University Belfast or online via Zoom.  Either way, everyone must register below to reserve a seat or obtain the link to some or all of the talks.

Register now to attend in person or online.



Social Work Information Evening

Wednesday 4 October 2023 from 6pm to 8pm

For students thinking of training to be a Social Worker, the Social Work Information Session will answer their questions, and provide information on the Social Work application process, course content, and how the course is delivered. Students will hear from our research-active staff, current students, and admissions staff.

We are one of the leading centres of Social Work education in the UK. Our Social Work training is delivered in partnership with social work agencies, where students will develop core skills valued by service users, carers, and employers.

Register now



AS and A2 Level Sociology Conference

Tuesday 7 November 2023 from 10am to 2pm

Location: Whitla Hall, Queen’s Univeristy Belfast

This free conference will present current issues and approaches adopted in contemporary research by Queen’s sociologists. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with speakers about methodological and conceptual issues raised in doing research on social attitudes, beliefs, and intersecting inequalities. There will also be a brief introduction to studying Sociology at Queen’s.

Register now



Engineering At Queen’s

Thursday 9 November 2023 from 6pm to 9.30pm

Location: Whitla Hall, Queen’s University Belfast

This event is targeted at parents/guardians and students in Years 11, 12, 13 and 14 who are studying or considering

A-Level Mathematics and Science/Technology or equivalent vocational qualifications.

Students and their families will have the opportunity to explore the Engineering disciplines side by side. They will hear from current students, graduates and academic staff about the reasons why they should consider choosing a degree in Engineering.

Register now



Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate Information Evening

Thursday 16 November from 7pm – 9.30pm

Location:  Whitla Hall at Queen’s University Belfast

Year 10 – 14 students, parents and guardians are invited to join us for subject talks and opportunities to chat with staff and students. This event is for those interested in the following subject areas: Arts, English and Languages / History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics / Law / Accounting, Finance, Business etc. / Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.

Find out more and register now



Save The Date: Medicine at Queen’s Open Day

Monday 18 December 2023

We are pleased to advise that The Centre for Medical Education will once again be running our very successful Medicine at Queen’s Open Day on Monday 18 December.

Further information including a registration link will be sent via email in the coming weeks.


This event is for any Year 13 students who are interested in studying medicine for 2025 entry only.