Updated Careers Bulletin: Spotlight on Maths

Spotlight on Maths 2024-340

The Careers Occupational Information Unit (COIU) has published an updated edition of its subject-based career guide, Spotlight on Maths. Please see link below:



The guide’s publication coincides with Maths Week Ireland (12th-20th October), and highlights how numeracy skills can benefit individuals in their studies and careers.

It includes information on courses available locally, such as Multiply – the recently-launched, free adult numeracy programme aimed at improving adult numeracy skills, confidence with numbers, and career prospects.


Spotlight on Maths also explores the wide variety of career options to which Maths skills can lead, featuring snapshots from local people who have used their Maths skills in their respective career journeys.


Other publications

You can find the full range of COIU publications by clicking on the link below:

Careers Occupational Information webpage – DfE website