Western Health & Social Care Trust Work Experience Programme – Autumn Series of Careers Information Sessions

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WEEK 1 (w/c 7th October) Speech & Language Therapy Online Tuesday 8th October


MS Teams
Biomedical Science Online Wednesday 9th October


MS Teams
Estates Services

(Year 12 or above)

In-person Wednesday 9th October


Medical & Dental In-person Thursday 10th October





WEEK 2 (w/c 14th October) Medical Physics Online Tuesday 15th October (Morning) MS Teams
Midwifery In-person Tuesday 15th October (Morning) South West Acute Hospital
Medical & Dental In-person Wednesday 16th October (Evening) South West Acute Hospital
Radiotherapy & Oncology Online Thursday 17th October (Morning) MS Teams





WEEK 3 (w/c 21st October) Nursing In-person Wednesday 23rd October (Morning) Altnagelvin
Midwifery In-person Wednesday 23rd October (Afternoon) Altnagelvin
Dietetics and Nutrition Online Wednesday 23rd October (Morning) MS Teams
Nursing In-person Thursday 24th October (Morning) South West Acute Hospital
Occupational Therapy Online Thursday 24th October (Morning) MS Teams
Art Therapy In-person Friday 25th October (Morning) Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh



WEEK 4 (w/c 11th November) Physiotherapy In-person Tuesday 5th November (Morning) South West Acute Hospital
Nursing In-person Thursday 7th November (Time TBC) Omagh Academy
Nursing Online Tuesday 12th November


MS Teams
Pharmacy Online Tuesday 12th November


MS Teams
Psychology Online Wednesday 13th November (Morning) MS Teams
Physiotherapy In-person Friday 15th November




WEEK 5 (w/c 18th November) Social Work Online Monday 18th November


Podiatry Online Tuesday 19th November


MS Teams
Diagnostic Radiography Online Thursday 21st November


MS Teams
Optometry Online Friday 22nd November (Afternoon) MS Teams



WEEK 6 (w/c 25th November) ICT

(Year 12 or above)

Online Tuesday 26th November


MS Teams



  1. We will make contact in advance of sessions to seek nominations from the school careers department. We ask that only students with a genuine interest in the career are nominated.
  2. Sessions will be offered to students in Year 13, or above, or equivalent unless otherwise specified
  3. Numbers will be limited therefore nominations should only be for students who have fully researched the career, are studying the correct subjects and are on track to obtain the required grades. Due to limited capacity we cannot offer students places on multiple workshops.
  4. When seeking nominations a closing date will be advised, late applications cannot be considered.
  5. Nominations can only be made via the school careers department; students should not approach the Work Experience office or Trust staff directly.




Registrations are now open for our first 3 weeks of careers sessions for school students. As a reminder, our sessions are available to Year 13 students and above (or equivalent) only unless specified. We ask that students have carefully considered their career choice(s) and register for appropriate sessions only as guided by their careers teacher.

Pupils who wish to be nominated for sessions being offered on Week 1 (w/c 7th October) must give their name to Mrs McCaughey in school Careers Dept. by Tuesday 24th September. 

Pupils who wish to be nominated for sessions being offered on Week 2 (w/c 14th October) must give their name to Mrs McCaughey in school Careers Dept. by Tuesday 1st October.

Pupils who wish to be nominated for sessions being offered on Week 3 (w/c 21st October) must give their name to Mrs McCaughey in school Careers Dept. by Tuesday 8th October. 



Please note, being nominated by the school is not a guarantee of a place on the session. In some cases, numbers of students attending sessions need to be restricted due to capacity.

WHSCT hopes to offer in person work experiences for medicine and nursing/midwifery. Pupils with a genuine interest in these professions, please leave name with Mrs McCaughey as soon as possible. Requests will be considered but cannot be guaranteed.